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As a leader in the Logistics industry in the Middle-East, the Mohebi Family approached NEXTSTAGE with the brief of having a powerful family crest for the House of Mohebi. As a 2 month process from ideas, to numerous sketches, finally reaching the final result, the family crest holds family values from the Mohebi Family Tree. 




Bringing Elements of belief, Leadership, respect and other specified topics, the family crest reflects on many hidden elements visually translated within their crest. The House of Mohebi is special to Mr. Mohammed Mohebi himself as we kept close contact with him throughout the project to assure the results of this design to be close to his heart. 

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Crest Requirements:


  • Lion and Lioness

  • 4 stars (3 sons, 1 daughter) - a shining star was made for the daughter

  • Roman inspired "M" to represent the family initial

  • Ribbons and colmns 

  • Arabic calligraphy

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branding mockup 1.jpg

Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Nextstage FZ-LLC  |  Dubai, United Arab Emirates  |  Take your brand to the NEXTSTAGE!

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